Inspiring women of color to make space in their daily lives to rest, travel & explore cities near them.



Hi 👋🏾 I’m Lai, a 23-year-old NYU graduate working full-time at Facebook/Instagram on the Legal and Partnerships team. In the last 3 years alone, I’ve been to over 50 cities and 25 countries around the world. My coming of age story is purely defined by re-parenting my inner child and checking off childhood bucket-lists. That’s the period in our life that we are told it is okay to dream and prioritize taking it slow . The minute I land in a country , the little girl in me that used to dream far beyond of what the streets of Brooklyn could offer me and fill her room with (poorly- drawn) pictures of globes, gets immensely proud. That high is what brings me to book each and every flight thereafter because I’m challenging the little girl in me to double the value of her dreams and add tax. I owe myself that. And I’m building this community to tell you that you owe yourself that too. Travel does not have to be expensive, far, or foreign. There is untapped exploration waiting for you right in your backyard. And I’m here to do the research and point you to those experiences so you don’t have to. So dust off those old bucket-lists and tack on some refreshed goals because we’re going on a ride you and your inner-child are never going to forget. Trust me when I say that joining this community won’t be a flood of me selling you instagrammable dreams you cannot achieve. We’ll be breaking down travel, budgeting, financial transparency, packing, bucket-list recommendations, work-life balance, self-care and more and we’ll be doing all of it together. See you on the flip, besties ! ✌🏾

  • Discover

    Catch up on all the current travel trends from underrated travel gems to securing affordable flights. Here I also talk in-depth about budgeting, work-life balance, navigating a growing career, self-care, and more!

  • Engage

    Join a Sip & Tip session with our community. Share travel stories, meet new travel buddies, and get hot tips and hot takes on new world destinations.

  • Plan

    Looking for a baecation that is pet friendly? Planning a solo-trip and you want to be adventurous yet safe? Book a private 1:1 session with me to get recommendations tailored to you.

  • Shop

    Shop my favorite travel essentials here to pack and travel like a pro. Also makes a perfect gift guide for the travel lover in your life.

  • Support

    If you enjoy my content or if you simply want to bring representation to the digital nomad space, you can show your support by buying me a coffee ☕️

  • Collaborate

    Have your people contact my people. Partner with me on any project that will tell your story to my engaged audience.


We are a growing community inspiring travel & re-imagining work-life balance, especially for women of color, who have historically been left out of the conversation of rest.

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 “Normalize rest. Manifest freedom. Practice exploration.”

— Lai


Contribute to the Vibe.

Being on the road is cute until you’re caught on an empty country road with nothing but your own thoughts. Help the girlies escape with music. Add songs from the 90s to up-and-coming artists we should be bumping on the road.

All genres are welcome!